The Prism Viewpoint

Exploring Life as an Ally, Writer, Future Lawyer/Politician

Make Your Character Your Best Friend

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If your story sounds stilted or scripted, the believability of your characters might be the problem. Readers get to know them through your words, how they participates in the plot, and their introspective comments. Readers don’t like when the protagonist or antagonist or any of the individuals they’ve spent hours getting to know and love act, well, out of character.

Get to know your character–intimately–before you cast them. Know their favorite colors, movies, songs. Know their morals, educational background, weaknesses and strengths. Know them as though they were your child, or your best friend.

I’d suggest writing a profile. Not just a few paragraphs, but pages. Once you’ve completed that (see below), throw the character into situations and see if you can predict how they would act. If you know them well enough, you’ll find you can keep all of their thoughts, reactions, and movements, in character.

View original post 310 more words

2 comments on “Make Your Character Your Best Friend

  1. This is incredible information. I am following the original blogger Word Dreams, thanks again Tashina.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jacqui Murray
    February 11, 2015

    Thanks for the reblog!


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This entry was posted on February 11, 2015 by in Uncategorized.


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