The Prism Viewpoint

Exploring Life as an Ally, Writer, Future Lawyer/Politician

Who I Am and Why I Am Here

Hey guys!

So I signed up for this blogging 101 course at the Daily Post to help me get started with this blog since I really don’t know what I am doing. The first prompt is: “Who I am and why i am here.” So let’s get started..

My name is Tashina Ferguson and I was born on January 30, 1996 at Mary Immaculate Hospital in Newport News, Virginia. I grew up in Hampton, Virginia and graduated from Hampton High School in June of 2014 with an advanced diploma. I now attend St. John’s University in Queens, New York as an Ozanam Scholar majoring in English and minoring in Social Justice. My goals in life are to pass the New York bar and become a lawyer who will work in partnership with the Innocence Project; which works on the cases or wrongly convicted felons to acquit them of their charges. I am also a writer, who struggles with laziness and procrastination, but have several works in the very slow process.

I am here because I realized that I want to be able to leave something on this Earth when I die. I want to have made my mark and documented the whole crazy process, that is why I decided to create this blog. I want to be able to share my experiences, my feelings, my goals, my obstacles, and everything in between with the people of the world with the hopes that maybe it will help or reach another going through something similar. This blog is going to be like my journal, compromised of whatever it is that I found to be important or noteworthy. I am also hoping that through this blog I will find other people with encouragements, success stories, unique experiences, and anything else that will enrich me as a human being; something that I also hope will come of my blog. I hope that over the course of my blogging experience that I will be able to have a series of different works published for others to consume and enjoy (or not enjoy) and that I will have documentation of all of the semi-exciting things that I have experienced in life.

3 comments on “Who I Am and Why I Am Here

  1. lilypup
    February 3, 2015

    Excellent job on this post!


  2. Lisa W Tetting
    June 21, 2015

    I have nominated your blog for the Veracity Challenge: Click for details 

    Liked by 1 person

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